Paying much attention to its customers, KVAND offers a flexible cooperation that allows to implement a project, taking into account all the needs and desires of a customer. The proficiency and creativity of the team, as well as a smoothly running production make it possible for the enterprise to achieve high results and satisfy customer demands.
While working on the interior design of an aircraft, the company's managers hold quite a number of consultations with a customer, helping to define the project functional requirements and cabin aesthetic concept.
KVAND takes responsibility for each project stage. The company principle is to observe all arrangements with a customer. All terms and conditions of a customer are reflected on paper. Thus, each project has its package of documents such as the tactical and commercial offer, technical specifications, the layout and design sketches, and design documentation.
The aircraft cabin is developed in strict compliance with aviation standards. In the course of development all basic requirements for materials, equipment, and passenger cabin equipment are fulfilled, including, but not limited to:
- application requirements;
- electronic security requirements;
- durability and external factor resistance requirements;
- reliability requirements;
- ergonomics and industrial design requirements;
- serviceability, maintenance, repair and storage requirements;
- safety requirements;
- standardization and unification requirements;
- producibility requirements;
- measurement assurance requirements;
- testability requirements;
- raw material, work material and component requirements;
- preservation, marking and packing requirements.
The company has implemented the quality control system to provide a high level of work execution.
The applied materials pass flammability and fume evolution tests set by aviation authorities. The tests are carried out by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM).
Eventually, VIAM issues the certificate of applied materials comliance to АP-25 part F requirements (the analog of JAR-25).
Aircraft product test procedure.
- After documentation release, a prototype is developed.
- The prototype is subject to test run. The requirements to test type and its amount are set by the relevant normative legal documents, acting in civil aviation.
- Tests are run on the basis of authorized certification centers with relevant accreditation to carry out required tests (measurements, tests, etc.).
- After receiving test results, KVAND (if required) introduces alternations in design documentation for each prototype; if required, the tests are repeated.
- In case of positive results, the enterprise makes a set of preproduction activities for serial production of all-tests-pass products. The preproduction activities include staff training, procurement of production and measuring tooling, conclusion of contracts, etc.
- All stages of serial product development and production are supervised by an aviation authority, followed by relevant documentation release (АP-21, the analog of JAR-25 ).